Cling Film(PE-PVC)

PVC Food Wrap is a thin plastic film that is mostly used to seal and secure food items in containers. Once the food items are sealed, they can stay fresh for a longer time.



Cling Film (PE-PVC)

  • Cling Film (PVC): PVC Food Wrap is a thin plastic film that is mostly used to seal and secure food items in containers. Once the food items are sealed, they can stay fresh for a longer time. Plastic wrap is traditionally made of Polyvinylidene Chloride, but today there are other options that have become very popular. 

The most important role plastic wrap plays in food packaging is protection and preservation. Plastic wrap can prevent food from perishing, extend its shelf-life, and maintain the quality of food. Plastic wrap generally provides protection for food from three aspects: chemical (gases, moisture, and light), biological (microorganisms, insects and animals), and physical (mechanical damage).

  • Cling Film (PE): Polyethylene cling film is a food film made only with polyethylene, so it is 100% recyclable. The polyethylene cling film is suitable for wrapping all types of food to ensure the freshness.

The polyethylene cling film is suitable for wrapping all types of food to ensure the freshness. This cling film has an excellent glossiness and It also has fog resistance property: If the foods with moisture is wrapped by other wrap film, the surface easily to condense water droplet and loom foggy status which effect on poor perspectivity and easily spoil the foods. Our cling film gets an outstanding fog resistance enabling the water-drop to wander about and scatter automatically and keep up carrying good transparency property for foods packaging and ensure the freshness of foods. Suitable for foods packaging like vegetable, fruit, meat, seafood and so forth.

Cling Film

Technical DataSheet

Test (Unit)

             Values (listed by film thickness)

Reference Methods

Unit 12 micron 15 micron

20 micron


ASTM D1505

gr/cm 0.918 0.918


Yield Strength

MD ASTM D882 mpa 7.7 7.9 8.3
TD 7.5 7.7


Tensile Strength at Break

MD ASTM D882 mpa 47 46 44
TD 18 19.4


Elongation at Break

MD ASTM D882 % 315 335 400
TD 610 625



ASTM D1003 % 1 1 1
Transparency ASTM D1003 % 92 92



cm 10-160 10-160 10-160
Core Size inch 1-2-3 1-2-3

